Before the end of January of every year, we provide you with a link to download a PDF document via email. The first page is in English, and the second page is in French.
How to read your report
Rental Numbers - Your property's unique listing identifier on our website.Individual? - Yes for property owners.
Professional? - Yes for property managers.
Number of Reservations during period - Number of bookings not cancelled with check-in dates during the previous civil year (from January 1st to December 31st).
A) Total Gross Income from Rental - Total income generated by the rent (nightly rate multiplied by nights booked). Amounts claimed from damage deposits are not included.
B) Total Gross Income from Fees - Total income generated by partner entered fees (such as cleaning or pet fees).
C) Deductions - Total Commission (Pay Per Booking) + Payment Processing Fee excluding VAT/GST.
D) Tax on Deductions - Total amount of VAT/GST applied to Pay Per Booking and/or Payment Processing Fee.